Attitude, Really Everything?

Written by Rhythm Shahriar January 1, 2021

Attitude, Really Everything?

With your attitude, you can improve or worsen almost any situation.

It is about the energy you bring into the room. You can have a positive attitude about the events in your life or you can cultivate resentment and dissatisfaction within yourself. You decide. You can consciously decide that you will react positively to almost every event or circumstance. A positive attitude is simply your choice. You can change your attitude, and thus your life.

No fact that we face is as important as our attitude towards it, because it decides whether we will experience success or failure.

– Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

We all know people with negative attitudes. They are constantly nagging, whining, and complaining. Everything seems to be going wrong for them. They are always victims. It is not pleasant in their company and it seems that they are taking away our energy. This happens because they operate at a lower frequency and thanks to the Law of Attraction, they attract even more circumstances that they can complain about. They tend to get “stuck” in their negative lifestyle because their thoughts and energy are constantly focused on the negative present and negative past.

Whenever you can, surround yourself with such positive people who fulfill and cheer you up. Hang out with spiritually developed people who love and healthily support you, who encourage your growth and rejoice in your successes. Surround yourself with a network of people who inspire you with their positive attitudes and energy and support you.

People are as happy as they choose to be.

– Abraham Lincoln

However, sometimes we can hear that people do not have an attitude. How is that even possible? Somehow it seems quite natural for people to be born with character and to build an attitude throughout their lives. However, people who do not have a lot of self-confidence and who are full of excessive worries about what other people will say – are usually said to have no attitude. Does that matter? And as it is, because ‘not having an attitude’ carries with it a very ungrateful label ‘to be complete without your opinion like a coward.’

People are superficial and inclined to take preliminary conclusions for granted, so it does not even occur to them that the attitude is also completely opposite. Because there are also people who are in a position of authority and do not have the attitude that is expected of authority, they do not give orders to their subordinates but ask them, consult and listen to other people’s opinions before they make a decision. A soft and hesitant attitude speaks of a good-natured man who has no place among the authorities, superficial people believe.

The art of living happily lies in the ability to discover happiness in ordinary things as well.

– Henry Ward Beecher

A positive attitude opens all doors. It brings optimism, emotional and physical benefits, makes it easier for us to deal with worries. A good attitude is the initiator of positive life changes. It is essential for success and good health. To be satisfied and successful in business and private life, we need to build the right attitude towards life’s problems — those who can see the positive in the negative benefit in the long run.

While we may not be able to change someone’s behavior, we can adjust our attitude to that awkward situation and get the best out of the worst. A negative inner monologue or looking for the culprit and whining will not bring positive changes in your life. Avoid looking for negative subtext and intrigue from every problem; it will block your capacity to solve problems.

In contrast, positive thinking and cheerfulness will make you calmer, healthier, and more capable. If you manage to build a positive attitude as a philosophy of life, it will bring constructive changes in your lives and make them happier and more successful. Repeating affirmative (positive) phrases will help you change the negative thought pattern that has denied you happiness and success.

How can we treat negative people in our lives?

First of all, remember that you are not responsible for their level of development or awareness. You can only set an example for them while keeping your energy vibration as high as possible. You cannot teach them anything they are not willing or willing to learn. Keep in mind that no one is completely negative. You can focus on their strengths and respect the options that work well in your relationship. You can also pay attention to those traits that you like or admire, and that could encourage them to express themselves more.

Don’t judge negative people in your life – be in their company less often (avoid them completely if you can) and try to point them to a more positive attitude. It will be difficult for you to avoid them completely if they are members of your family or associates, but try to avoid conflicts, maintain a positive attitude and do not get emotionally involved in the conflict when it arises. In the end, you will have to decide if you want to keep that relationship in your life at all.

Your attitude is crucial – it affects your emotions, and your emotions, in turn, affects the energy field that surrounds you and instantly deliver your order to the universe by which you seek even more of the same things. Carefully and honestly consider your attitude in different areas of your life. Can you improve something?

The judgment of the superficial environment that someone has an attitude only means that that person expresses what they expect from the person in the position, from the person they value, from the person they would like to court… The attitude is a guard. Learned defensive behavior. And every attitude is guard. Open and provocative, relaxed and phlegmatic – all that can describe the attitude in a few words is just a diagnosis of the defense system. Acting for the public. And the public likes when someone has an attitude.